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Meeting Room



  • The Library Meeting Room and Library Lawn are available at no charge to any educational, cultural, or other civic group. All meetings of this type must be open to the public and no charge may be made for admission.  A fee for materials is allowed.

  •  Local businesses will be allowed to use the room for meetings or training for a nominal donation.


Reservations & Access

  • Library activities and programs will always take priority in the use of the meeting room and lawn.

  • Reservations should be made at the circulation desk during regular library hours.

  • If the activity is to be held when the library is not open, a key should be obtained in advance from the circulation desk, during regular open hours.

  • After the event, the key must be placed in the book drop. If the key is not

  • returned, there will be a charge for replacement of the door locks.



  • In accordance with state law, no smoking is allowed in any part of the library or on library grounds. The serving of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

  • No commercial sales allowed.  Sales to benefit the Library or other civic groups are allowed at the Directors discretion.

  • Farmer’s Market vendors are allowed to make commercial sales only under the regulation of the Swisher Farmer’s Market Committee and only at the time of the Market.

  • Groups are responsible for the orderly use of the facility. Use of the meeting room or lawn shall not interfere with normal library functions. Adult supervision is required at all times for youth activities.

  • Groups are responsible for setting up the meeting room and lawn with the chair and table arrangement desired and leaving the space as they found it.

  • Simple refreshments may be served, provided the room is properly cleaned after use. Users must bring their own utensils, coffeemaker, and supplies. Cleaning equipment is available. We ask that you refrain from food and liquid that can stain.

  • The Library Board of Trustees, the employees of the library, and the City of Swisher are not responsible for accidents, injury, or loss of property while using the meeting room or lawn.

  • The Library Board of Trustees, the employees of the library, and the City of Swisher neither approves nor disapproves of content, topics, subject matter, points of view, or of individuals or groups using the meeting room.


Equipment Available

  • A smart TV, DVD video player, and multimedia projector are currently available for use in the meeting room. These need to be reserved if needed when the room reservation is made. Users will assume full responsibility for their proper use, and agree to pay for damaged equipment.

  • Picnic tables and a trash can are available on the Library Lawn.  These must be put back into place at the end of any use of the lawn.



Approved 7/31/17Updatedand approved 6/29/18


Monday thru Thursday         1:00 pm to 7:30 pm
Friday                                     1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Saturday                                10:00 am to Noon


phone:     319-857-4090
address:  PO Box 53
                 72 2nd Street, SW
                 Swisher, IA 52338
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